Thanks for the comments on my last entry. I realised that its not like I miss what we had or I miss having someone.
Last night I went out to the uni, and eyebrows was there (nicknamed by Dennis). He came over to me when I was on my own on several occassions persistantly asking for my phone number again (he had to delete it last time because of his girlfriend, whom he is no longer seeing). Now somehow Dennis knows all about this guy liking me and was apparently discussing it with Laura who fancies him! Bloody students, all trying to fuck each other Now, its been weeks since I met eyebrows, who happens to be very very attractive (apart from dennis thinking he needs to pluck his eyebrows lol). He said he keeps going out on Tuesdays hoping he'd see me lol. And the point of this??? It just made me think. There are plenty of (hotties) fish in the sea. But at the end of the day, I still like Ian... a lot. In fact Im not interested in eyebrows in the slightest. So Ive come to the conclusion that ian's worth risking my feelings over lol.
In other news, I got a job! yay! meh whatever. I hate it already. The agency that have been looking for work for me have asked me to work at THIER offices. The work I have to do is like a mix between a recruitment consultant and a call centre, but I hate using the phones so much, especially seeing as I dont have a bloody clue what people are asking about!
So basically Im going to continue to look for other work. I know I cant really ask manpower to find me another position as they'll be pissed off Im leaving them! And I can see they dont have much work going. So I could even go into retail again I feel THAT shit about it. And I need the money SOOOO bad. Im down to practically nothing in the bank again and I havent even started Christmas shopping. I even spent the money I needed to buy phones for my parents from my sister (she sent me the cheque a month back as she cant get them all the way over in australia)
I want friday to come now. I'll finish at 5:30. Then in the evening Im gonna go see a movie with ian.
I wish King King was out already dammit.
Last night I went out to the uni, and eyebrows was there (nicknamed by Dennis). He came over to me when I was on my own on several occassions persistantly asking for my phone number again (he had to delete it last time because of his girlfriend, whom he is no longer seeing). Now somehow Dennis knows all about this guy liking me and was apparently discussing it with Laura who fancies him! Bloody students, all trying to fuck each other Now, its been weeks since I met eyebrows, who happens to be very very attractive (apart from dennis thinking he needs to pluck his eyebrows lol). He said he keeps going out on Tuesdays hoping he'd see me lol. And the point of this??? It just made me think. There are plenty of (hotties) fish in the sea. But at the end of the day, I still like Ian... a lot. In fact Im not interested in eyebrows in the slightest. So Ive come to the conclusion that ian's worth risking my feelings over lol.
In other news, I got a job! yay! meh whatever. I hate it already. The agency that have been looking for work for me have asked me to work at THIER offices. The work I have to do is like a mix between a recruitment consultant and a call centre, but I hate using the phones so much, especially seeing as I dont have a bloody clue what people are asking about!
So basically Im going to continue to look for other work. I know I cant really ask manpower to find me another position as they'll be pissed off Im leaving them! And I can see they dont have much work going. So I could even go into retail again I feel THAT shit about it. And I need the money SOOOO bad. Im down to practically nothing in the bank again and I havent even started Christmas shopping. I even spent the money I needed to buy phones for my parents from my sister (she sent me the cheque a month back as she cant get them all the way over in australia)
I want friday to come now. I'll finish at 5:30. Then in the evening Im gonna go see a movie with ian.
I wish King King was out already dammit.
It's a shame about your new job. It's not good being in a job you don't like. You shouldn't have any problems getting a retail job this time of year to tie you over, but do you really want to be bothered by lots and lots of rude customers.
I hope you enjoyed the cinema. What movie did you go and see? I'm going to see Narnia today. Check my next journal for details.
Good luck with everyone