Meh Im having a wierd day.
Tuesday I went to the Halloween Alt Night at Uni. It was really depressingly bad when I got there. I told Ian I was going to leave, because... well we'd broken up and the atmosphere was wierd. He walked me to the bus stop then we argued. Eventually I said Id give him "a chance" and went back to the club/bar/whatever.
Went back to Ians, but in true tradition we just went straight to sleep.
Worked a bit the last couple of days, and Ive been coughing my lungs out.
I might have to go back into Camden tomorrow to ask about my nipple piercings because I swear ones crooked and its pissing me off. I dont know, why should a crooked nipple stud make me feeling like such low self-esteem, makes me feel like an un-fanciable munter.
I guess Im just having a low day. And it prob something to do with the fact I have to break up with my boyfriend becuase he never wants to sleep with me.
Tuesday I went to the Halloween Alt Night at Uni. It was really depressingly bad when I got there. I told Ian I was going to leave, because... well we'd broken up and the atmosphere was wierd. He walked me to the bus stop then we argued. Eventually I said Id give him "a chance" and went back to the club/bar/whatever.
Went back to Ians, but in true tradition we just went straight to sleep.
Worked a bit the last couple of days, and Ive been coughing my lungs out.
I might have to go back into Camden tomorrow to ask about my nipple piercings because I swear ones crooked and its pissing me off. I dont know, why should a crooked nipple stud make me feeling like such low self-esteem, makes me feel like an un-fanciable munter.
I guess Im just having a low day. And it prob something to do with the fact I have to break up with my boyfriend becuase he never wants to sleep with me.


nice work with the nipples