Last night was awesome. I went to the Alkaline Trio gig in Brixton. They ended on Radio biggrin Im knackered now. I ache all over lol and got a sprained ankle.

Ive been okay today. Ive gone the whole day without texting any stupid "i miss you" stuff to ian. He never texts me so whatever blah. Soon I'll go a whole day without thinking I miss...
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no, you're the cutest thing i have seen in a long long long time.

i'll give you a dollar if i can keep you.

fair trade?
cool tattoos, looking forward t seeing more in the future smile
I'm a mess.

Last night Ian text me to say he wanted to meet up and discuss the break-up stuff. I said I 'd rather get it out of the way sooner and get it over with. He ended up calling me in the middle of the night. And I cried. I cried loads. I cried and cried and cried.

I said it was over....
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i wish i could remain friends with my exes. it just never seems to work.

you are fucking gorgeous. just thought you should know. wink
I wish I could be with you at the moment so I could give you a nice big hug kiss

I hate to say it, but I think you should concentrate on getting your life sorted before trying to help Steve. I know you love him, but you will be able to help him more when you are feeling better yourself.
I feel so lonely right now.

I havent been single for longer than a week since about 2 years ago almost. frown

Its hard. I need closure. But I just dont know how to get over it.

Went to London again on Friday. Many many apologies to Steve and Ryan. I got wasted and I couldnt take care of myself. Was too drunk to get into...
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stole your lollys as well thats jsut silly

haha, well i can vouch for ya and then someoen elses can vouch for ya, then your in, you jsut need to find that 2nd person

them there be the rules!

ohh its so cold!
Heh G's right how could you not get into the Mean Fiddler? It's not like they're very discerning. Were you unable to speak or walk or summat? tongue
I almost gave myself a fucking heart attack. Ive been watching this tartan halter neck top. It was about to end in 3 minutes and I didnt want my chicken to get cold. So I made a bid. I was supposed to bid 15 but for some rediculous reason I typed 35!!! eeek

So I sat there for 3 minutes panicking as to how I could...
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i find that i do that

though with out the chicken, and usealy not for a girls top

though i always bid eairly and if i don't get it i don't get it, i say, ill spend 40 top wack and is its over that say to 50 i think oh well
its its 40.03 then i bid and bid and bid till 50

somehow, thats ok
that dinner taking long time to cook - just curious what the fuck you were making?? wink
Meh Im having a wierd day.

Tuesday I went to the Halloween Alt Night at Uni. It was really depressingly bad when I got there. I told Ian I was going to leave, because... well we'd broken up and the atmosphere was wierd. He walked me to the bus stop then we argued. Eventually I said Id give him "a chance" and went back to...
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dump his ass girl! i had a relationship where we argued all the time (most of them to be honest). i'm now a single man which really tells you how they turned out. but yeah, get out while you still can otherwise he'll end up dragging you down!

nice work with the nipples smile

I always thought my nipple piercing looked kinda wonky when I first got it done... not that I told my friend who pierced it for me! But in the end it seems to be fine, or at least no-one else thinks its wonky... maybe it's my eyes!
I finally found my inhaler last night. I REALLY needed it.

Still feel like absolute crap. meh

I shall get round to being a bit more talkative to people later. Thanks for all the journal comments. Been uber busy to reply right now.

Im thinking about taking a little trip into Camden later, for a new piercing. Knowing my luck, they'll be all booked up,...
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I feel sooooo yuck. Went to the Mean Fiddler last night. The girls doing Renegade Burlesque were awesome, too beautiful.

Bumped into a couple of local people at the club.

So me and Ryan hung out with this guy called Ed and ended up finding the 24 hour American diner in Farringdon (or Farrington idk). Ryan spilt Oreo Cookie milkshake everywhere then we left pretty...
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I'm not quite sure what the law is about peeing in public. When I was on my way home from a party a couple of years ago with a copper, I needed to go and he said it was OK. Perhaps he just didn't mind.

Welcome to SG, btw. The best way I found to make friends is to activately contribute in groups/boards, try to give an active journal and create a dating profile, even if it is only for friendship. And don't be worried about requesting friendship. I've never had one rejected.

Also I love your favourite films. Dogma & Beetlejuice are among my favourites as well.
It was a good night, I really enjoyed it.

The whole Ed thing was sooooo random, but in a really cool way. It made the experience of the night that bit more interesting.

Oh, and what a clutsy moment of me to spill that Milkshake. I really wanted that, it was lovely and set me back a few quid too. Damn me and my lunging about tongue

Thanks for the company smile
So meh, Im new. Not really sure what Im doing with this profile thingy whatever

I'll sort something out

love nic x
Hey thanks... I take great pride in my pumpkins. And yes, I would like to be your friend Thanks!
Don't worry about New Britian it'll be all just fine, Next month I'm moving to Rhode Island to goto school, good luck with that