ABC's of ME!
Body: [A is for age:] 32
[B is for booze of choice:] Jagermeister
[C is for career:] hah, whatever
[D is for your dad's name:] Dennis
[E is for essential items to bring to a party:] baseball bat(s)
[F is for favorite song at the moment:] no idea.
[G is for favorite game:] russian roulette
[H is for hometown:] Chicago
[I is...
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seriously....if youre gonna make a wise ass comment, please dont.....
really now....
how do yous all deal with something like knowing the woman you are totally in love with is doing it with someone else?
I mean HELL YES, there is SO MUCH MORE to life than naked time, but still....its fuckin rips me up.....
damnit, I just wish I had her under my I gotta go listen to the Social D. live version of that.....
I have a real difficult time dealin' with that....
as of the 25th of this month, my SG account will go away and I am not re-newing it, so if you have anything to say to me, ya best get it goin here over the next couple weeks....
so, closet crushes need to step up soon...