It's Wednesday!
That means new comics......which are currently sitting in the back of the store.....and I don't wanna touch them yet, hehee.
Thanks to everyone so much for all the welcome-backs! They really mean a lot...I've forgotten how much I used to enjoy being here, and I think I'm going to take as much advantage of it this time around as I can.
So....what's new with me?
Well, I have a new tattoo on my foot, (which I think I mentioned before, but I don't think I ever posted the pictures, so here it is.....)
The other foot belongs to one of my bellydance girlies, hehehe.
Since then, I've added a good amount of new piercings. I've got a triple spiral in my right ear, My nose pierced and re-pierced, my eyebrow, and my right nipple to complete the set. New pics of the piercings soon, I promise!
I also started writing a novel way back in July. I'm pretty damn impressed with myself, because at this point I'm 80% done! I should be done with my first draft by March, and I hope to have it polished and submitted to publishers by this summer. I do a helluva lot of reading on my iPod now (kindle for iPhone ROCKS!!!) and I've read a shit-ton of crappy books. One day after a particularly bad one I thought, you know what? I could do this. I could certainly write something better than this trite bullshit. And thus, the idea was born. It's a semi-trashy paranormal romance. It'll be a bestsella, I know it.
Here's a pic from the beach trip I did recently, just cuz I like it. It was January, so the water was cold!
I was rockin my KMFDM hoodie that day.....I've nearly worn the damn thing out, hehehe.
Since I'm in a random picture posting mood, here's my halloween costume:
The funny thing is, those are all my clothes. The only costume-y thing is the wings, hehehehe.
Ok, I guess I've avoided getting to work long enough. Ciao for now, peeples!
~Love and Hugs and Shit,
That means new comics......which are currently sitting in the back of the store.....and I don't wanna touch them yet, hehee.
Thanks to everyone so much for all the welcome-backs! They really mean a lot...I've forgotten how much I used to enjoy being here, and I think I'm going to take as much advantage of it this time around as I can.
So....what's new with me?
Well, I have a new tattoo on my foot, (which I think I mentioned before, but I don't think I ever posted the pictures, so here it is.....)

The other foot belongs to one of my bellydance girlies, hehehe.
Since then, I've added a good amount of new piercings. I've got a triple spiral in my right ear, My nose pierced and re-pierced, my eyebrow, and my right nipple to complete the set. New pics of the piercings soon, I promise!
I also started writing a novel way back in July. I'm pretty damn impressed with myself, because at this point I'm 80% done! I should be done with my first draft by March, and I hope to have it polished and submitted to publishers by this summer. I do a helluva lot of reading on my iPod now (kindle for iPhone ROCKS!!!) and I've read a shit-ton of crappy books. One day after a particularly bad one I thought, you know what? I could do this. I could certainly write something better than this trite bullshit. And thus, the idea was born. It's a semi-trashy paranormal romance. It'll be a bestsella, I know it.
Here's a pic from the beach trip I did recently, just cuz I like it. It was January, so the water was cold!

I was rockin my KMFDM hoodie that day.....I've nearly worn the damn thing out, hehehe.
Since I'm in a random picture posting mood, here's my halloween costume:

The funny thing is, those are all my clothes. The only costume-y thing is the wings, hehehehe.
Ok, I guess I've avoided getting to work long enough. Ciao for now, peeples!
~Love and Hugs and Shit,

no reasonable complaints. how's you?
wow i love your new prof pic sexy woman!