NickiLove fun facts ver 1.0:
1. I eat Cheerios for breakfast Monday through Friday out of a green, frog shaped cereal bowl. This pleases and delights me. Especially when theres a little bit of milk left at the bottom of the bowl and I drink it between his froggy feet. It's icky and pervy, and makes me giggle.
2. The song "Love Shack" MUST be bellowed at the top of my voice whenever I hear it. This brings to mind times of cruising with my best girl friend in her car, while I stuck my bare feet out of the window. This could be painful in the summer if we passed any large bugs. Good times.
3. For a while in college, I scorned shoes altogether. According to their rules, I only had to wear them in the cafeteria, the science labs, and the theatre scene shop. I kept a pair in my boss's office for just that purpose. This lasted for a week or two.
4. My college roomie gave me an 8 inch long cigarette holder (a la Audrey Hepburn) for a break-a-leg one time. We took it with us and used it everywhere. It made us "sophisticated". I was smoking with it at Playmaker's (a sports bar across from campus) once, and the drunk guy at the next table said "LOOK! She's smoking with a fucking PVC pipe!" I was untouchable.
5. My absolute FAVORITE pair of shoes are brown rainbow flip flops. I have worn them so much that there is a hole the size of a quarter under the left big toe. This does not stop me from wearing them.
6. I am a complete dork. Last night I recited a good bit of the "Holy Hand Grenade" Monty Python Sketch, due to someone saying the number "four". I edited it to fit the number four, instead of the number three. I wish I had a Holy Hand Grenade.
7. Leave me a fun fact if you read/enjoyed/giggled at any of that.
1. I eat Cheerios for breakfast Monday through Friday out of a green, frog shaped cereal bowl. This pleases and delights me. Especially when theres a little bit of milk left at the bottom of the bowl and I drink it between his froggy feet. It's icky and pervy, and makes me giggle.
2. The song "Love Shack" MUST be bellowed at the top of my voice whenever I hear it. This brings to mind times of cruising with my best girl friend in her car, while I stuck my bare feet out of the window. This could be painful in the summer if we passed any large bugs. Good times.
3. For a while in college, I scorned shoes altogether. According to their rules, I only had to wear them in the cafeteria, the science labs, and the theatre scene shop. I kept a pair in my boss's office for just that purpose. This lasted for a week or two.
4. My college roomie gave me an 8 inch long cigarette holder (a la Audrey Hepburn) for a break-a-leg one time. We took it with us and used it everywhere. It made us "sophisticated". I was smoking with it at Playmaker's (a sports bar across from campus) once, and the drunk guy at the next table said "LOOK! She's smoking with a fucking PVC pipe!" I was untouchable.
5. My absolute FAVORITE pair of shoes are brown rainbow flip flops. I have worn them so much that there is a hole the size of a quarter under the left big toe. This does not stop me from wearing them.
6. I am a complete dork. Last night I recited a good bit of the "Holy Hand Grenade" Monty Python Sketch, due to someone saying the number "four". I edited it to fit the number four, instead of the number three. I wish I had a Holy Hand Grenade.
7. Leave me a fun fact if you read/enjoyed/giggled at any of that.

You got hotter when I read #6.
I ALWAYS wanna cup of coffee!
We should have one, and discuss our left hip problems.
I miss you much beautiful lady.