Stressballs and Shitcrackers.
I think I'm going nuts.

Day #4 in hell week is here, and I've made it so far.
The weekend, however, may be another story altogether.
So far I have not snatched myself bald, nor killed anyone, so I consider that at least a minor victory!
Tonight is the recital for the class I teach. I can't leave work early, so I'm going to have to haul ass at 5. Wish me luck breaking speed records to get there on time!
I cannot stress how happy I will be when this week is OVER
Enough bitching already!
Go gaze upon the beautious set that the magical Flux didst shoot for me!
Wish pink thoughts upon it, please!

NickiLove: Dream of Love
I think I'm going nuts.

Day #4 in hell week is here, and I've made it so far.
The weekend, however, may be another story altogether.
So far I have not snatched myself bald, nor killed anyone, so I consider that at least a minor victory!

Tonight is the recital for the class I teach. I can't leave work early, so I'm going to have to haul ass at 5. Wish me luck breaking speed records to get there on time!
I cannot stress how happy I will be when this week is OVER
Enough bitching already!
Go gaze upon the beautious set that the magical Flux didst shoot for me!
Wish pink thoughts upon it, please!

NickiLove: Dream of Love
*kisses* Take care of yourself, this weekend!