Another Thursday, another useless, meandering, meaningless bucket of drivel called a blog.
I'm in a good mood though.
Doing some Tarot readings for some friends tonight at bellydance class, and having fruit cookie pizza.
Things are good
Might be going to see a play on Saturday night with some friends, if we can get someone to cover the shop. I haven't seen any theatre in a looong time, so it will be nice. It always hurts a little though. It's like visiting friends that you haven't spoken to in ages. You see them, and you miss them, but you're not with them, you know? I was a theatre major for the 2 years that I was in college. I never thought I was going to actually be able to act for a living, but I wanted to be able to do what I WANTED to do, not major in something practical that would actually let me make money. I was free, I was bohemian, I was going to be an artist, and then I was going to marry someone rich and I could act all I wanted (just kidding).I really wasn't certain what I was going to do with it, I guess I was just assuming I was going to teach theatre. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't your classic stage diva. I loved it all. I wanted to act, I wanted to design sets, I wanted to design sound and lighting and I wanted to direct, I loved all of it. The freedom, the expression, the art. I've done some community theatre back home, but it's not at all the same. The small town I live in (outside of Raleigh) is very conservative and narrow minded. The audiences are all in their mid 70's, and anything experimental isn't exactly a money making machine, and so what results is a lot of very "safe", very boring theatre. PLUS all the politics involved with trying to participate in a very cliquy community theatre setting. Ever seen "Waiting for Guffman"? Yeah......I know all those people.
So, I got out of it, after I dropped out of college, after a few attempts at the community thing, I decided to focus on my bellydancing. It's very rewarding, don't get me wrong, I love it, but it's sort of one-dimensional comparitively. I only get to design me, and my dance.
Usually it doesn't bother me. Let's face it, I'm WAAAAY to busy to go to rehearsal every night of the week. But then, some days, I get that twinge in my heart, and that feeling in my gut, that reminds me of what I once lived for.
It's like that line in Noises Off, the best movie/play of all time
"That's the smell of the theatre. Once you've breathed it in, you'll never forget it."
I may be paraphrasing, just a tad.
Well damn, that turned into a novel fast!
Sorry guys!
I'm in a good mood though.

Doing some Tarot readings for some friends tonight at bellydance class, and having fruit cookie pizza.
Things are good

Might be going to see a play on Saturday night with some friends, if we can get someone to cover the shop. I haven't seen any theatre in a looong time, so it will be nice. It always hurts a little though. It's like visiting friends that you haven't spoken to in ages. You see them, and you miss them, but you're not with them, you know? I was a theatre major for the 2 years that I was in college. I never thought I was going to actually be able to act for a living, but I wanted to be able to do what I WANTED to do, not major in something practical that would actually let me make money. I was free, I was bohemian, I was going to be an artist, and then I was going to marry someone rich and I could act all I wanted (just kidding).I really wasn't certain what I was going to do with it, I guess I was just assuming I was going to teach theatre. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't your classic stage diva. I loved it all. I wanted to act, I wanted to design sets, I wanted to design sound and lighting and I wanted to direct, I loved all of it. The freedom, the expression, the art. I've done some community theatre back home, but it's not at all the same. The small town I live in (outside of Raleigh) is very conservative and narrow minded. The audiences are all in their mid 70's, and anything experimental isn't exactly a money making machine, and so what results is a lot of very "safe", very boring theatre. PLUS all the politics involved with trying to participate in a very cliquy community theatre setting. Ever seen "Waiting for Guffman"? Yeah......I know all those people.
So, I got out of it, after I dropped out of college, after a few attempts at the community thing, I decided to focus on my bellydancing. It's very rewarding, don't get me wrong, I love it, but it's sort of one-dimensional comparitively. I only get to design me, and my dance.
Usually it doesn't bother me. Let's face it, I'm WAAAAY to busy to go to rehearsal every night of the week. But then, some days, I get that twinge in my heart, and that feeling in my gut, that reminds me of what I once lived for.
It's like that line in Noises Off, the best movie/play of all time
"That's the smell of the theatre. Once you've breathed it in, you'll never forget it."
I may be paraphrasing, just a tad.

Well damn, that turned into a novel fast!
Sorry guys!

the big dream-killer is money of course, you only have a a certain number of hours in a week and you have to make a certain amount to live.
but if you don't have to be the actor on stage it's not nearly as hard to find steady employment in the theater once you've put in some NYC or other theatre scenes across the U.S.