So, finally getting a chance to work on my model forms, and my stupid scanner is posessed, and I can't figure out how to save anything as a pdf, and my datastick is at work with the other files on it, and I can't download them again here, and even if I could I couldn't scan them in!! Sigh.
Computers suck.
On the bright side, my initial application was accepted within hours of my uploading it! I am sooooo excited. I know that's not even close to turning pink, but it's a step in the right direction, and that makes my heart happy. The week from hell is finally over, and next week is a chance to start again.
Computers suck.
On the bright side, my initial application was accepted within hours of my uploading it! I am sooooo excited. I know that's not even close to turning pink, but it's a step in the right direction, and that makes my heart happy. The week from hell is finally over, and next week is a chance to start again.