Yay its my birthday today! woohoo1 C'Mon!
Got some funny prezzies from my g/f
She bought me Teen Wolf 1&2 on dvd quality ay?!
Also got the new Hilltop Hoods album which is amazing.
Just a little Plug i think everyone should check out Hilltop Hoods they are the most amazing hip hop group from Australia. Totally awesome. www.hilltophoods.com
Hope everyone is cool, and hopefully chat soon!
Nick xx
Got some funny prezzies from my g/f
She bought me Teen Wolf 1&2 on dvd quality ay?!
Also got the new Hilltop Hoods album which is amazing.
Just a little Plug i think everyone should check out Hilltop Hoods they are the most amazing hip hop group from Australia. Totally awesome. www.hilltophoods.com
Hope everyone is cool, and hopefully chat soon!
Nick xx
Birthday kisses to you!
(I'd give you one for each year, but that seems like overkill)

Happy Birthday!