Fuck hatred. Fuck feeding into martial law. Fuck working for nothing. And fuck butts. Because three's gotta be something positive in this post. Now here's some art, and I'll be tattooing soon because cash rules everything around me #cream

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"Fuck butts" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ good one! Love love love the roses too!ย 

What a great month. I spent a well with family near Virginia Beach... and although 4 toddlers and 3 dogs is a party in itself I got a lot of time with my rad pup on the beach. I was nervous that she might spaz out but she sat like a statue when I went in the water. She's a killer not a swimmer apparently....
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Beautiful ๐Ÿ˜ June 28 was my bd ๐Ÿฆ„
@willowdaniels well happy belated!ย 

SoI wish this was a big insightful update but nope, I'm just drunk and kinda bored. So here's some drawings and maybe if I decide to ramble... my thoughts on butts and such hmm...do o don't even know if that shit uploaded so butts it is. I'm pretty addicted. I'd say a good 20 percent make me physically salivate. Anyway, goodnight. To bed with no...
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Pretty good week. Got some booty, didn't have a hangover (which will most certainly change tomorrow when I celebrate my birthday at the bowling alley and titty bar with 15 of my closest friends) , and actually did some art that the shop owner liked a lotime although the dude actually apprenticing me picked it totally apart. Hey he's gotta give me shit right? Anyway,...
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I got a little stomach bug which happily timed itself on my half week off. The guys at the tattoo shop are all in different cities this week (jealous) so it's it has been a nice little break in a newly hectic schedule.

Now that it's been a few weeks settling in I'm back to thoughts of the future and my silly brain is running...
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Damn. Missed some typos. ย Long blogs on a little phone. ย Oh well