been pretty disconnected from here for a long while. part of that is being connected to so many through other social avenues... part of it is the changes to the site. i'm fine with it... the laptop hates it. the other part of it is the fact that the local columbus sg scene went back into hiding. too many shitheads had to foul it up for the rest of us. some of the rare few of us that arent dbags havent been around long enough to be invited to be a part of the new smaller more private scene. (which i'm sure is actually much like the original scene) so the short of it is... lets grab lunch or something because i always intended on making actual friends. never was much of the "fan" type. i joined because theres such a concentration of interesting and creative people associated with sg. i'm seriously grateful for the awesome people i've had the chance to meet, get to know, and love.... and i'm personally not ready to let a few bad ones tear it down. its a small but important part of a much larger community of artists (of all types) and it brings people together. and i lost my train of thought staring at a reflection on my ceiling. that happens. k... i go now. (shuffles off) oh yeah and i uploaded some more photos. because my new hand tattoo (by richard cook) is the bees knees for one... and because beard for two.
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