Well it is almost time for the crazy holiday season to be full of cheer (and yes by cheer I mean Booze) and here comes Mother Nature dropping us bored New Englanders a Nor'easter! A few inches to a few feet is coming this way, and Elliot and I are cozy and warm in our apartment with our new kitty! Elliot found the cat, Miko, at the ally behind our friend's apartment and after a few weeks when no one claimed him, he became ours. It is nice to have him around, as annoying as he can be at times. He is really sweet, loves to sit on you and get pet, and is quite food motivated. But, we have plenty of food for us, the cat, booze, and stuff to bake cookies with so we should be good for a few days.
Last night Elliot and I went down to his cousins' house to visit with his family and drink the night away. It was fun, we all got pretty silly and a few people were quite nicely hammered. We stayed overnight at his parents house and this morning Elliot and his brother and sister took pictures in ugly sweater for their folks for Christmas.
I am almost done with my Christmas shopping. I started earlier last week (during finals, with my school schedule I have little time after classes are out) but finished Friday during the day with my awesome little cousin. We teamed up and got our grandparents a gift basket that we made with the theme of "stay at home dates" which has:
* 1 pink breast cancer snuggie
* 1 blue snuggie
* 3 Movies
* pretzels and dipping sauces
* a really nice bottle of champagne.
I am doing a few homemade gifts this year, which I find to be the best. If I like them, and have a decent enough camera around, I may upload some pictures.
So finals are done, and I kicked butt in them! I just have a few more hours left to finish my mural! A second coat and few details added in, and then it is time for it to have an official opening with booze, snacks, and prints for sale!
Other than that, the next week is going to be full of work, and family times.
Now it is time for dinner with Elliot, and the football game is about to start (an excuse to get liquored up during the snow storm). Wish I was with my favorite pal, Kiley like we used to, rock out to shitty VH1 TV marathons, dance around, build forts, and get wasted and drunk dial the most inappropriate people.
<3 you all!
Happy Everything, where ever you are!
Last night Elliot and I went down to his cousins' house to visit with his family and drink the night away. It was fun, we all got pretty silly and a few people were quite nicely hammered. We stayed overnight at his parents house and this morning Elliot and his brother and sister took pictures in ugly sweater for their folks for Christmas.
I am almost done with my Christmas shopping. I started earlier last week (during finals, with my school schedule I have little time after classes are out) but finished Friday during the day with my awesome little cousin. We teamed up and got our grandparents a gift basket that we made with the theme of "stay at home dates" which has:
* 1 pink breast cancer snuggie
* 1 blue snuggie
* 3 Movies
* pretzels and dipping sauces
* a really nice bottle of champagne.
I am doing a few homemade gifts this year, which I find to be the best. If I like them, and have a decent enough camera around, I may upload some pictures.
So finals are done, and I kicked butt in them! I just have a few more hours left to finish my mural! A second coat and few details added in, and then it is time for it to have an official opening with booze, snacks, and prints for sale!
Other than that, the next week is going to be full of work, and family times.
Now it is time for dinner with Elliot, and the football game is about to start (an excuse to get liquored up during the snow storm). Wish I was with my favorite pal, Kiley like we used to, rock out to shitty VH1 TV marathons, dance around, build forts, and get wasted and drunk dial the most inappropriate people.
<3 you all!
Happy Everything, where ever you are!

my Tauntaun Froze before it reached her first marker. HAHAHAHAHA