So Sunday I was out riding Sam with Jacki riding Astrid, and we were only .6 mi from the barn when we were passed by 6 speeding crotch-rockets going about 70 MPH that also passed a line of traffic. Needless to say, Sam spooked, took off bucking, and headed home. I heard the bikes coming, so I sat on him calmly and centered my breathing which helped a little but as soon as they whizzed past us, he got scared. I stayed on him for some time (Jacki said I could definitely give the rodeo guys a run for their money!) but finally got tossed and took a 7 foot fall going about 30 MPH.
It hurt. I bounced a bit, landed first on my right hip, then smacked my left side and head on the ground. I tried to get up to try to catch Sam, but there was a ringing in my ear and my hip was so sore I couldn't get up.
Everyone who saw the accident and was also passed by the motorcycles got out to help. Jacki went to catch Sam who was on his way home and stopped at a neighbors along the way to eat grass. He is SUCH a good boy!
I did get taken to the E.R where I was given a CAT scan to make sure everything was ok. I was also given a morphine injection which 15 minutes later dropped my heart rate from a 90 to 40, and my blood pressure fell to 55 over 30. But then I got out of that. I am a very sore woman today, that is for sure. And I am waiting to get an appointment to follow up with my regular doctor.
There was nothing Sam or I could have done to stop it from happening. Jacki was so happy that I got him on the grassy part alongside the road and facing home. Where we were and where I fell and the fact I was breathing calmly probably saved me from further injury and possible death. Yeah, I said it. Had this happened anywhere else I would be a lot more banged up and Sam could have gotten hit or hurt too.
SO whats the moral of the story?
Horses are entitled to one whole lane of traffic on a road. We can ride them on the road.
And you best slow down because as well behaved as Sam and Astrid are, anything can happen to any horse to frighten them.
Waiting a few minutes would have prevented the whole thing, and now those motorcycle guys just made themselves and others like them look worse.
I still love that boy!
And for some Dragon*con updates and pictures go to the Star Wars group and look under the thread "Conventions in 09"
It hurt. I bounced a bit, landed first on my right hip, then smacked my left side and head on the ground. I tried to get up to try to catch Sam, but there was a ringing in my ear and my hip was so sore I couldn't get up.
Everyone who saw the accident and was also passed by the motorcycles got out to help. Jacki went to catch Sam who was on his way home and stopped at a neighbors along the way to eat grass. He is SUCH a good boy!
I did get taken to the E.R where I was given a CAT scan to make sure everything was ok. I was also given a morphine injection which 15 minutes later dropped my heart rate from a 90 to 40, and my blood pressure fell to 55 over 30. But then I got out of that. I am a very sore woman today, that is for sure. And I am waiting to get an appointment to follow up with my regular doctor.
There was nothing Sam or I could have done to stop it from happening. Jacki was so happy that I got him on the grassy part alongside the road and facing home. Where we were and where I fell and the fact I was breathing calmly probably saved me from further injury and possible death. Yeah, I said it. Had this happened anywhere else I would be a lot more banged up and Sam could have gotten hit or hurt too.
SO whats the moral of the story?
Horses are entitled to one whole lane of traffic on a road. We can ride them on the road.
And you best slow down because as well behaved as Sam and Astrid are, anything can happen to any horse to frighten them.
Waiting a few minutes would have prevented the whole thing, and now those motorcycle guys just made themselves and others like them look worse.

I still love that boy!
And for some Dragon*con updates and pictures go to the Star Wars group and look under the thread "Conventions in 09"
Glad your okay!
Thanks! I took German in High School and read a lot of Nietzsche but I can't speak it to save my life now.