Some people I know well are trying to pull the rug out from under me, steal my ideas, and generally fuck me off... I think it's more to do with thoughlessness than malice, but boy am I pissed off.
Specifics upon request... but lets just say certain people need to call me and sort this shit out asaf***p or I'm gonna well lose the rag.
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a proper nice kid, docile even, but now I've got a proper rage on.
Time for a beer. Definitely.
// xx luv you all and all that.
Specifics upon request... but lets just say certain people need to call me and sort this shit out asaf***p or I'm gonna well lose the rag.
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a proper nice kid, docile even, but now I've got a proper rage on.
Time for a beer. Definitely.
// xx luv you all and all that.
send me a message#!^