Damn this Naruto show....its taking my life away from you guys. I would kill the creator of it, but i would rott away from not seeing any new ones. And I got back from E3 just a while ago, that place kicks too much ass, talking about ass......when i was in the sony press conference my ass started to hurt alot and i was at the point where i wanted to leave but the PS3 is too important to me. I tell ya that piece of sexy machine will kick xbox 360's ass to fucking mars if its near anything they say it is. Oh yeah they said it was going to be released spring 2006 and its been rumored that it will cost aroung 500 bucks, which to some is to much, but for me its a resonable price for this sexy beast of a machine. And that pretty much excludes the past couple of weeks for me. Oh i forgot about Star Wars Episode III, i hope everyone is going to see this, and if you dont, i shall think less of you. I will be going mid day tomorrow so there wont be as much people, even though it will be alot it wont be as much.
STAY BLACK EVERYONE, IM OUTTIE (i hate hippity hop lingo0
STAY BLACK EVERYONE, IM OUTTIE (i hate hippity hop lingo0