I just bought Devil May Cry 3 for PS2 (for those who dont know). Its fucking alot harder that the other ones, but its still a great game none the less. Lets see......... i dont have much to say like ever so i guess im leaving you with this.

havent played that one yet. hell i never finished the first one. i may have to do that before playing 3. i heard 2 sucked so i wont even bother with that one.
i keep forgetting to update so i hope you all forgive me....

last weekend me and my friends went to the desert to go shooting for about 5 hours and in the end we ended up making fake steven sagal movies, but we couldnt tell the difference so after blowing up propane tanks we decided to leave, as we were driving out of a side...
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wow its been a while since i posted anything on here so ya........
Eagles won by default (prettier colors) ooo aaa
Lets see hmm...... what did i do today i cant recall what i did today that was important other than cleaning up my room. Well im watching Carnivale right now and a woman was giving a evil priest some oral pleasures while a half unconcience priest was watching.....what could get better than that wink see yall next time.
Stayed home today and i have to say its pretty boring just being on a laptop all day listening to music and jerking around. Im trying to think what to write........ hmmm....... i wish i knew the exersize of alchemy that would kick ass ill try to fill i shit later today.
better "jerking around" then "jer--" ah well you know where I'm going with this wink
You've got great taste in everything...(except maybe Fabio tongue) and you have my dream job! biggrin
Today i went to school for a hour and a half, because i didnt want to go for the rest of the day because i.. just... didnt feel like it so i went to my friends house but his mom came home and my friend was supposed to be in school, like me , but his doesnt care about me. So we had to walk...
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RE4 kicks ass. I wanted the stand thingy for halo 2 from the game store i go to. my freind that works there was holding it for me but on his day off somone he worked with took it home...what a prick! I thought the weater in san diego was pretty good when i was living there..but i guess the weather there is fucked up just like it is in texas now. the world hates us..lol.

I havent posted anything for a while, i guess im just getting caught up in life and school. It's been 2 weeks since school started and i got to say i have pretty good classes (they all have to do with game design) that im happy to have. Well i'll try to update this journal ass much as often see ya. ooo aaa
well im back goddamnit i was supposed to be camping untill thurs but it was pooring rain and our tent started to puddle up water so we headed back with our heads down frown but it felt good when i got in my warm bed which i just figured out is a 1200+ dollar bed. So its up to me to entertain whoever reads this. I...
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