back home after one year... weird feeling.
your house dosnt feel so much as your house any more, or maybe it takes time, to get the same feeling about it.
yesterday i travel over 15 hours, fly from nice to london and from london to mexico. whos ever done a 12 hour fly may understand the agony and desperation i felt. human ass is just...
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your house dosnt feel so much as your house any more, or maybe it takes time, to get the same feeling about it.
yesterday i travel over 15 hours, fly from nice to london and from london to mexico. whos ever done a 12 hour fly may understand the agony and desperation i felt. human ass is just...
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why is life so weird, can some one tell me?
I guess it's because otherwise it would get boring?
Tu es super jolie! <3
Tu es super jolie! <3
good answer, i guess
kisses beautiful

kisses beautiful
Cute pics & giant rabbit 

first post of the year.
a couple of things had happened since i last write...
1. i live in other continent now.
2. now i know french (as much as you can know after living two months in a french speaking comunity)
3. have a cute irakian boyfriend (first in my life)
4. havnt eaten a taco since too long.
5. did a new set...
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a couple of things had happened since i last write...
1. i live in other continent now.
2. now i know french (as much as you can know after living two months in a french speaking comunity)
3. have a cute irakian boyfriend (first in my life)
4. havnt eaten a taco since too long.
5. did a new set...
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OH!!! tu tambin te fuiste? WOW!!! espero que te la estes pasando bien en Francia y mucha suerte con tu nuevo chico. te deseo lo mejor y ojala recuperes tus fotos sino tomate otra.

lifes good... planning my goodbye-graduation treap to puerto escondido in a week or so.
si lo de arriba...muy linda de las dos formas
Super Sexy nena y se te ven los ojos ms grandes woow que valiente

yo tambien me llevo muy chingon con mi hermano...
acabo de ver apenas tu coment en mi portafolio, que esta cosa no me avisa eso
sip las fotos son mas

sip las fotos son mas

today i recived two long distance phone calls: one from poland and the other from canada.
the first one was from my sexy polish friend Marcin, calling to say hello and to ask me to say hi to my mum, because it was mothers day in poland.
the second one was from my darling sister in canada, who call me crying because some problems of...
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the first one was from my sexy polish friend Marcin, calling to say hello and to ask me to say hi to my mum, because it was mothers day in poland.
the second one was from my darling sister in canada, who call me crying because some problems of...
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esta recargado en el carro? si no?
yes, i think now i made a post i should keep going from time to time.
im sad because my amaizing sexy polish guy i met in a travel to Puerto Escondido had not write, and it suks... no, really is not that bad, because i understand hes a crazy traveler, and can be moving all over the world and not have a chance of...
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im sad because my amaizing sexy polish guy i met in a travel to Puerto Escondido had not write, and it suks... no, really is not that bad, because i understand hes a crazy traveler, and can be moving all over the world and not have a chance of...
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