what a fucking fabulous day..
the lights in the pool have blown..$500
the lock on the front door broke so by trying to pull the door open with a broken lock, the handle snapped off, entire thing needs replacing..$615
an old root canal filling has been dislodged by a piece of chewing gum, its now jammed sideways in my tooth which means I can't eat or close my mouth, this of course means I need a dentist, I cannot express in words how scared I am of dentists, my childhood dentist was a twisted sadistic evil muthafucker and sinse my childhood I've not been to a dentist unless I've really had too, I think the last time was 6 years ago..
so yes its true we English have terrible teeth but I blame the terrible fucking dentists..
I am now scared out of my tiny mind.
Its also going to cost an arm and a leg no doubt.
On a happier note Lily Allen is playing LA..
the lights in the pool have blown..$500
the lock on the front door broke so by trying to pull the door open with a broken lock, the handle snapped off, entire thing needs replacing..$615
an old root canal filling has been dislodged by a piece of chewing gum, its now jammed sideways in my tooth which means I can't eat or close my mouth, this of course means I need a dentist, I cannot express in words how scared I am of dentists, my childhood dentist was a twisted sadistic evil muthafucker and sinse my childhood I've not been to a dentist unless I've really had too, I think the last time was 6 years ago..

I am now scared out of my tiny mind.

Its also going to cost an arm and a leg no doubt.

On a happier note Lily Allen is playing LA..

yeah dentists arn't much fun but i have just had a check up and he use some water blaster to clen then and all the water over flowed and got me piss wet....rubbish NHS dentists....but it was free so i can't complane to much.
hope you have better luck soon and enjoy lily allen, only found out the other day she is keith allen baber.
take care