Monday Aug 04, 2003 Aug 4, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email I love my apartment today. Come over to see it and I'll give you a popsicle. Maybe even share one with you. VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS johnnyfive: you're notes on my journal are like a rose, both beautiful and prickly at the same time. be nice now, i have a key to your apt. and i'm getting copies made so that i can sell them to all of your stalkers on ebay. Aug 4, 2003 devi1gir1666: i wanna come see...i wanna popsicle....i also want an answer to my proposal. Aug 5, 2003
be nice now, i have a key to your apt. and i'm getting copies made so that i can sell them to all of your stalkers on ebay.