i recently had to get a facebook. i dont know how i feel about this... yes i do... i dont like it... i dont like it at all. with the exception of suicide girls, i have been 100% anti- online social networking. i don't like people knowing what i'm doing, where im going, and whats going on so much. a little bit here and there is okay, but for the most part i don't really like anyone being able to get a hold of me in any other fashion that a text message. i had to get a facebook because business has been slow lately, and the person hat is supposed to update specials and news on the bars company facebook page is a huge slacker. a slacker enough for me to feel that i finally had to take the reigns. so, for those that dont know, you have to actually have a facebook in order to be an administrator on a company page. im trying to get into it, and im trying to have a little fun with it, and become reacquainted with some long lost friends, but i just dont like it. and that people... is what grinds my gears
hope you are all doing well

you know, some people are very jealous of their privacy and I understand 'em even if it's soooo distant from my point of view and way of living.
hope you'll learn how to deal with it