i'm starting to lose my mind. i'm losing faith in everyone around me. friends are doing uncharacteristic things, loved ones are stabbing eachother and myself in the back, and people that i've admired are showing true colors that i've been blind to until recently. i really don't want other peoples' slips of morals, and debatcheries to have negative effects on my life and mood, but i see it happening on a quickly escalating scale. not quite sure what to do about it. isolating myself seems only to have further rage enhancing reprocutions, but i feel like i can't be around anyone either. i know there are still good people out there. i just wish i knew how to find them. i hope you all are having a better month than i. my next blog will be of a more positive note. i promise. i can't however promise that i'll learn how to spell by then.
-love nibb
-love nibb

And hang in there. When the people around you suck, all you've got is yourself so at least be able to respect that!
Anyway, Thanks so much for commenting on my new set! I really appreciate it!
Soapy Kisses