things have been a little crazy lately. i haven't had a day completley off from work in 2 months now. i've been staying ultra strict with my self and have been going to the gym 6 days a week. and i've been filling every spare moment that i have with knocking off my to-do list that got entirley too long. finally i see a light at the end of the tunnel. and just in time for spring to roll around. i'm ready to relax a little. this weekends supposed to be nice so i'm going to do a little fishing and beach bumming. i've finally started writing the cook book that i've been putting off for 2 years. and i'm going to see kings of leon in cary, nc next month!!!!!!
i've also cleaned house as far as the internet goes. i got tired of all the drama and bs thats comes with personal sites, so i deleted my facebook, and i'm about to get rid of my myspace. i'm keeping one and only one, my one true love...... suicide girls!!! i like that i don't really KNOW anyone and visa versa,but i do however want to meet new people and talk to new people. please anyone feel free to write me, and i'll be more than content to respond quickly.
i've also cleaned house as far as the internet goes. i got tired of all the drama and bs thats comes with personal sites, so i deleted my facebook, and i'm about to get rid of my myspace. i'm keeping one and only one, my one true love...... suicide girls!!! i like that i don't really KNOW anyone and visa versa,but i do however want to meet new people and talk to new people. please anyone feel free to write me, and i'll be more than content to respond quickly.