I found a really good local band from Corsicana/Dallas. I was really proud of myself, because they are the first music-related thing I've found all by myself and before all the people I know. Of course, I expect others to catch on to something so good...but it makes me really mad when people who really don't care or like something as much as I do (or that have really bad tastes in general....aka Ho-Bot69) just see that they are on my friends/favorites and takes credit for liking them. It wouldn't make me so mad if it wasn't Rachel, because all she likes is bands that the band members have liprings and tatoos or tries to have that nasal-teenage emo boy voice that I can't stand. She doesn't care about anything but trying to make herself look good by "liking" music that is "cool".
Well....I found it first and you're a ho, Rachel. So there!
Well....I found it first and you're a ho, Rachel. So there!
...what he said...