I've decided not to move into the house. I just don't like the overall way my roomate's been acting about it, plus other reasons. I've decided the best thing for me in to move back in my Dad's house. I talked to him for a long time, and for the first time since I can't remember when, I feel like my dad is being sincerely loving and helpful in any way he can, and being respectful of my authority over decisions for myself as well. He even mentioned that I can crash at my brother's apt in Tyler or at friends places so I don't have to be driving all the time. That never would have gone over before! He also made strong mentions of possibly getting me a cell phone for Christmas, which I desperately need one since I'll be driving more now and staying at different places. I'm actually really excited about it. I'm going to get to spend more time with more people this way and maybe save a bit of money since I won't have any bills. I'm still on the lookout for a roomate in Tyler though 

Well good luck