Fun day, fun day. I went to Caddi's shop today and got my ears stretched again. I almost fainted/vommited. Caddi was a bish and took pictures.
I went over to Gracie's after that and picked up an outfit to wear to the Bondage Ball. Tehehe, cute cute. She has such a nice house and her daughter is the CUTEST! Went to my final dress rehersal tonight. We had an audience (a class). The sound operator fucked up one of my cues and I wasn't ready to go on stage yet so I started freaking out until someone pushed me on at the last part of the song. This one dumbass girl in the show shunned me the rest of the show 'cause I fucked up...bitch. After the show one lady came up to me and said 'Your red hair is so beautiful! It stands out on were the star!' Hehe, that made my night. I was like 'Fuck yeah, I'm the star.' It's really funny, I have all the sexy bits in the show and I was talking to a couple of the guys last night and I was like 'I wonder why...' And one of the guys said 'Well, look at the rest of the're the only one who can pull off the sexy diva.' Hehehe, made my head swell a bit.
I'm so excited SGOC's coming to see the show tomorrow. *squee*
I'm so excited SGOC's coming to see the show tomorrow. *squee*
I'll probably be at the play tomorrow night.
Have fun at the Bondage Ball. Take pics.
Spank Voltaire if you can.
Love, me.