so i just got home after a 24 hour shift. i make a sandwich and sit down here to check my mail, and read other peoples journals (i'm on this site for the articles
) ok maybe i browsed a few pictures here and there. anyhoo, it occurs to me that almost everyone is in really shitty moods right now, be it on here, at work, or whatever people are just generaly pissed off about something. The majority have a legitimate reason to be as well. so WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!!!!!
is it the weather?
the season?
the lack of shellfish on the east coast due to red tide?
possibly an outbreak of the herpes?
perhaps not enough fiber in peoples diets, i dunno, but everybody is pissing eachother off.
now not to dumb down peoples problems and make a joke out of them but c'mon, no matter how bad things get and how many people hurt you there will ALWAYS be 3 very important things in this world:
2. a 10,000 to one bullet to human ratio
and thats all you really need.
that is all, i hope those of you who are enjoying yourselves continue to, and those of you who are not, try kellogs brand total, its got more fiber than 20 bowls of special K.
is it the weather?
the season?
the lack of shellfish on the east coast due to red tide?
possibly an outbreak of the herpes?
perhaps not enough fiber in peoples diets, i dunno, but everybody is pissing eachother off.
now not to dumb down peoples problems and make a joke out of them but c'mon, no matter how bad things get and how many people hurt you there will ALWAYS be 3 very important things in this world:
2. a 10,000 to one bullet to human ratio
and thats all you really need.
that is all, i hope those of you who are enjoying yourselves continue to, and those of you who are not, try kellogs brand total, its got more fiber than 20 bowls of special K.
please see charlie and the chocolate factory with me!
are you going to the hootnany inthe hills?