I've been very horny. i really want to find a girl to just eat out everyday. I'm not really lonely but i wouldn't mind having a girl friend to do cute things with. Idk if this is demanding to much or am I just destined to be alone Dx (i'm trying to stay positive haha probably find someone some day but til then I can...
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i feel like i am going crazy over thinking things. I also have to big of a heart. i care to much. i love to much. i bottle up all my emotions and just hide in the darkness and just think about killing myself. whats the purpose of me being alive? all i really live with is false hope. i wish i can hide far...
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I guess that date isn't going to happen anymore :/ pretty bummed seeing as how I really did like her. Maybe I should just be friends with her that will keep things simple and keep me away from being hurt Dx
huge date Thursday :) Can't wait! Going to watch the sunrise with her then it'll be a beach day, we will hang out, soak some sun, eat some amazing food, drink, then watch the sun set :) if all goes well maybe ill ask her to be my girlfriend :) Blehh can't wait!
I have very high hopes of the outcome for the future and I'm excited to be able to see a special someone next week! She makes me extremely happy and I hope for the best out of this :D
so excited for what's to come next week will be an amazing weekend :D
may be i should be more active on SG its been a long time since i been on here what has everyone been up too? I haven't been up to much just different job same life. I do how ever been feeling a bit down lately seeing as I miss talking to someone who doesn't mind just listening to me bitch and vice versa. i...
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