2017 has been a roller coaster of emotions and positive and negative events. No matter which situation I found myself in, I tried to find the best way to look at it and move forward with my chin up.
I make resolutions all the time but that doesn’t mean I am going to do it. I like to create goals for myself. I try to keep them realistic but I do like to challenge myself from time to time. I choose to make goals because I have more motivation to accomplish them. The highlight of 2017 was passing my exam to become a certified dog trainer, watching my oldest son start kindergarten and adopting our deaf Dalmatian puppy.
Here a few goals I have for 2018:
-Take on a new role at work. Interview is already done but there were a good handful of applicants so it can be a few weeks until I know anything. No matter what the decision is, I am happy in the role I am in!
-Create more resources to share in regards to training deaf dogs.
-Start up training classes for deaf dogs in LA. Believe it or not, there is not many resources online or group classes offered in Los Angeles geared towards deaf dogs.
-Shoot a couple sets for SG. First one is done and almost ready to be submitted.
-Create more art. I love to paint, draw, color. Modeling would fall into this category.
-Stress less. This is a big one for me. Remember when I said I try to keep it realistic but I like to challenge myself? This one is a great example! I need to just remind myself to let shit go.
-Make a new set of dreads.
-More family time. With my sister just moving to Maine, I feel that my mom is gonna be a little lonely in a house with two guys (my dad and brother) so more girl time will have to be in order! I am also going to include more date nights with the hubby right here.
-Continue to eat better, work out and spend money wisely.
-See a Doctor about treating my anxiety so I can try and quit smoking cigarettes.
I am sure there are more things I could list but with a busy schedule, this gives me enough to start my year! 🤗❤️ I’m ready 2018 ✌🏻