Main Entry: nexus Pronunciation: 'nek-s&s Function: noun Inflected Form: plural nexuses or nexus /-s&s, -"ss/ Etymology: Latin, bond, tie, from nectere to bind : a connection or link between things, persons, or events esp. that is or is part of a chain of causation
7 entries found for dog. 5. Informal. 1. A person: You won, you lucky dog. 2. A person regarded as contemptible: You stole my watch, you dog. 6. Slang. 1. A person regarded as unattractive or uninteresting. 2. Something of inferior or low quality: The President had read the speech to some of his friends and they told him it was a dog (John P. Roche). 3. An investment that produces a low return or a loss. adv. Totally; completely. Often used in combination: dog-tired. Idioms: dog it Slang To fail to expend the effort needed to do or accomplish something. go to the dogs To go to ruin; degenerate.
Main Entry: nexus Pronunciation: 'nek-s&s Function: noun Inflected Form: plural nexuses or nexus /-s&s, -"ss/ Etymology: Latin, bond, tie, from nectere to bind : a connection or link between things, persons, or events esp. that is or is part of a chain of causation
7 entries found for dog. 5. Informal. 1. A person: You won, you lucky dog. 2. A person regarded as contemptible: You stole my watch, you dog. 6. Slang. 1. A person regarded as unattractive or uninteresting. 2. Something of inferior or low quality: The President had read the speech to some of his friends and they told him it was a dog (John P. Roche). 3. An investment that produces a low return or a loss. adv. Totally; completely. Often used in combination: dog-tired. Idioms: dog it Slang To fail to expend the effort needed to do or accomplish something. go to the dogs To go to ruin; degenerate.