Fuck me, it's cold. I wish I could fucking hibernate, I've had enough of this shit! It's cold, I'm miserable as sin, I'm broke and just had to cash in my savings policies to pay off my debts and I'm also feeling somewhat pissed off with everything, so feel like throwing a temper tantrum at the world and life in general for being so unfair and at the injustice of it all. And there's no cheap cigs going around and I'm on my last friggin' packet...
Need more morphine tomorrow, that's definite. And if I'm lucky I can have my daughter on a sleep over tonight, which is always good for my mood. Just having my son helped this morning.
Otherwise. Fuck. Oh look, groundhog day....
Depression index at management support group yesterday; 40, which classes me as severely depressed. No shit, sherlock?
Need more morphine tomorrow, that's definite. And if I'm lucky I can have my daughter on a sleep over tonight, which is always good for my mood. Just having my son helped this morning.
Otherwise. Fuck. Oh look, groundhog day....

Depression index at management support group yesterday; 40, which classes me as severely depressed. No shit, sherlock?