Woot! Got my crown fitted! Now I've got a full head of teeth and no longer look like an extra from the Pogues! Came out of the dentist with a 'kin HUGE grin - didn't realise just how much it had been affecting my confidence having that bloody tooth missing, so now I feel much happier with it back in. Anyone wanna pic?
<-- see, I can do that now without a bloody great gap. Yay!
Next up for today. See what doc says about this valium kick I'm having, it's just too much!
Can't drive if I take it, let alone try and work, so get some more coffee inside of me, and ponder on what other CD's to stuff onto my system.
Feeling dead chuffed with that crown now, makes a world of difference and I didn't realise just how much better it would make me feel.
You're still gorgeous

Next up for today. See what doc says about this valium kick I'm having, it's just too much!

Feeling dead chuffed with that crown now, makes a world of difference and I didn't realise just how much better it would make me feel.

You're still gorgeous