The residual effects of the meds are wearing off rapidly because of this morning's violent reaction to the previous nights alcohol. This basically means one big downer again. I'm tired, scared and the anxiety isn't so much as creeping up as making a full frontal assault with everything in it's arsenal.
No Flupentixol or Diazepam in my system to combat the effects of the illness means I'm in a right state. It's shitty.
My head really does hurt right now, wonder what that's all about.
Status Angst
Condition Empty
Currently playing Nothing inspires right now, sorry
Let's see if Morpheus can ease my pains. 'nite
*UPDATE* After last night's drink, I now can't stomach the smell of whisky, makes me want to heave. Hell of oa way to give up drinking. Oh, and I've put on weight. Bollocks. Fucksocks and arse
So where abouts are you right now on Maslows Triangle?