My super excited moment of the day: Finding out I can put the cloth diapers I wanna use on my Amazon, Target and Babies R Us registries. Hopefully it's not too late and someone will hook us up at one of the upcoming baby showers *crosses fingers* 

Cute huh? They also seem to be the best fit for us after the research I've done.
In other news, I'm trying to finish up a knit purse and a railroad track scrapbook before we head up to Wisconsin on Wednesday. They're gifts for my bff's up there. I love making them stuff cuz they truly love the things I make for them. I cannot wait to get home and have my entire family see how big I am. Subby is coming with me this time so it's gonna be even better. My family totally adores him.
Well I'm gonna surf a bit more then get back to work...have fun chickens

Cute huh? They also seem to be the best fit for us after the research I've done.
In other news, I'm trying to finish up a knit purse and a railroad track scrapbook before we head up to Wisconsin on Wednesday. They're gifts for my bff's up there. I love making them stuff cuz they truly love the things I make for them. I cannot wait to get home and have my entire family see how big I am. Subby is coming with me this time so it's gonna be even better. My family totally adores him.
Well I'm gonna surf a bit more then get back to work...have fun chickens

*giggles* bum geniuses