I just got off the phone with my Mom and my Grampa is now in surgery. His entire right side is paralyzed and they're going in to break up blood clots in hopes that it will allow him to recover function of his right side. I wont hear anything for a few hours at least. Mom is a mess (it's her Dad), my Gramma is being monitored every so often too, she has a weak heart and every one's afraid she's going to have another stroke too.
All my Grandparents are very sick. I realize that happens when you get old, but it doesn't mean that makes it hurt less to watch them all dying. I lost my other Grampa in August....on my Dad's birthday no less. He just couldn't fight his emphazema anymore. My Gramma K has alhemerz really bad although she healthy in every other way, she is the third person in my family I get to watch be eaten by that disease. My Gramma M was abused at a nursing home after having heart surgery. The abuse led to her having another heart surgery and the removal of 3/4 of her colon and she has had many mini strokes. My Grampa M also has emphazema, blindess, amongst many other health problems and now this stroke.
And yes I realize I can't spell.
It's funny how life seems to throw everything atcha at once. This was sposed to be a happy weekend. Derrek n I are celebrating our one year anniversary this weekend since the big day is tomorrow. Now it's hard to get in a good mood.
Ugh, just ugh.
I'm sorry I'm blabbering away about this.
What's the best way to wake up early in the morning after a night of drinking?
yes it's inevitable like you said... but that doesn't make it suck any less