Here for a quick check in then I'll be gone for a bit again. I've been very productive in the last two weeks.
1. Finished an item for a craft swap.
2. Halfway done with a skull baby blankee for my Niece whom I will get to meet ina few months.
3. Been consistently working out and am quickly gaining muscle and losing fat.
4. Started keeping a written journal for my mental health.
5. Been to the titty bar twice.
6. Kickin ass and working OT at work to get lotsa monies.
See? Pretty productive for just two weeks. Proves my thought that SG provides me too much of an escape from reality. It's just not acceptable anymore since for the first time in a long time I like my reality.
1. In love with a wonderful man
2. Owning a house
3. An awesome job with hardly any stress involved.
4. Money to pay bills
5. Did I mention my wonderful boyfriend?
Life is good. Hope you are all just as well.
1. Finished an item for a craft swap.
2. Halfway done with a skull baby blankee for my Niece whom I will get to meet ina few months.
3. Been consistently working out and am quickly gaining muscle and losing fat.
4. Started keeping a written journal for my mental health.
5. Been to the titty bar twice.
6. Kickin ass and working OT at work to get lotsa monies.
See? Pretty productive for just two weeks. Proves my thought that SG provides me too much of an escape from reality. It's just not acceptable anymore since for the first time in a long time I like my reality.
1. In love with a wonderful man
2. Owning a house
3. An awesome job with hardly any stress involved.
4. Money to pay bills
5. Did I mention my wonderful boyfriend?
Life is good. Hope you are all just as well.
Na, that's Gregg. I just pay attention to people. Which Gregg does too, but he's able to call up anything he's seen or heard at any time. I wish I had his ability to do that.
or what ???