Got a lil bit done around the house today, which is nice.
Have the boyfriend at home for the next four days so hopefully we will get this fucking house in order.
And maybe a puppy with no home will show up on my porch and ask me to be it's Mommy.
I am doing my best to fight my depression. I'm just going to focus on fixing up the house, exercising, and finding friends down here that just want to do fun things. I'm really tired of crying, feeling sorry for myself, and being taken advantage of. Those three things happen far too often.
Also, I'd really like to try and find a Church on Sunday. I would love to join a Church choir. I miss having a place to go to for inner peace and meditation. I just wish I knew where to start! There's like a bujillion Churches down here.
Have the boyfriend at home for the next four days so hopefully we will get this fucking house in order.
And maybe a puppy with no home will show up on my porch and ask me to be it's Mommy.
I am doing my best to fight my depression. I'm just going to focus on fixing up the house, exercising, and finding friends down here that just want to do fun things. I'm really tired of crying, feeling sorry for myself, and being taken advantage of. Those three things happen far too often.
Also, I'd really like to try and find a Church on Sunday. I would love to join a Church choir. I miss having a place to go to for inner peace and meditation. I just wish I knew where to start! There's like a bujillion Churches down here.
Does it really matter which churtch you go to? Hm. On second thought, I think you should go to a black churtch. That way you can sing and dance and choir it up with rhythem and style.