Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to a new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom, and make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. Some people stay in our lives awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same....
There is no purpose in life; it is merely a false hope for the conscience, to give cause for such a minute existence in this ever expansive universe.
You said you wouldnt think less of me if i told you i miss you!
So here goes "I MISS YOU"!!
There is no purpose in life; it is merely a false hope for the conscience, to give cause for such a minute existence in this ever expansive universe.
You said you wouldnt think less of me if i told you i miss you!
So here goes "I MISS YOU"!!
mehh I think the word is "rejected" - Damn it!! LOL - please lookie at my photos sweetie there in my candids 

didn't last long then