Tuesday Aug 12, 2003 Aug 12, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email Pretty girl in my bed again! *dance* This message brought to you by the Association For Making Other Guys Jealous. VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS azura: well glad its over with... sucks that you had to deal with whatever it was in the first place. enjoy your girl... i mean day Aug 12, 2003 scylla: I have a pretty NAKED girl in my bed every night. ME. It's this egg made out of crystal with a string tied to it. You tie weights onto the string & stick it in & move it up & down so that the weights bob around. It's awesome. Iron man! Aug 12, 2003
It's this egg made out of crystal with a string tied to it. You tie weights onto the string & stick it in & move it up & down so that the weights bob around. It's awesome. Iron man!