I'm amazed!
I never thought this could actually happen to me.
You hear all those stories about "a friend of a friend" and "mu uncle's boss", and you just assume it's kind of an urban myth and that it could never happen to you.
But guess what, sometimes, it does.
What am I talking about?
Today I realized that I have totally lost my sex drive.
"Say it ain't so nex!"
Oh, it be so. It be very very so.
I'm not going to go into specifics of how I found this out, but I will say that it's just weird not really having that as my overwhelming desire. I can still perform just fine, it's just that I don't really want to.
Anyway, I just thought I'd share that with you guys. I have to go hunt down some flying pigs on my way to see just how cold it is in Hell right now.
Nighty night.
I'm amazed!
I never thought this could actually happen to me.
You hear all those stories about "a friend of a friend" and "mu uncle's boss", and you just assume it's kind of an urban myth and that it could never happen to you.
But guess what, sometimes, it does.
What am I talking about?
Today I realized that I have totally lost my sex drive.
"Say it ain't so nex!"
Oh, it be so. It be very very so.
I'm not going to go into specifics of how I found this out, but I will say that it's just weird not really having that as my overwhelming desire. I can still perform just fine, it's just that I don't really want to.
Anyway, I just thought I'd share that with you guys. I have to go hunt down some flying pigs on my way to see just how cold it is in Hell right now.
Nighty night.
Side note:You dig Tool. Rock.