Yay! El SenorDiablo ok'ed my bid to be a member of the SGSeattle group today. This pleases me very much. I guess I'm considered cool enough to be like a foreign dignitary or something. This is like when Posh Spice married David Beckham and suddenly everyone thought she just did it for the press (as opposed to her love for attractive, athletic, rich men).
Well, now that I think about it, this isn't anything like that, but I thought it was kinda rad when he was sporting that mohawk. And as much as I like Beckham's mohawk, I still hate soccer, and I love America for hating it with me. You go, America!
Oh, and on a more serious, and slightly less punk note, I think I might be getting a job at Hot Topic down here in Eugene. I know what you guys are thinking; you're all "Say it ain't so! You're selling out to the man! You used to be Sid Vicious' cabana boy, but now you're just gonna be a corporate tool!"
And to that I respond; "Yeah, me and Sid had some good times until the psycho bastard offed his bird. And I'm not selling out! I'm just bending over so the man can fuck me in the ass!"
And the upside to all this? I get to keep my piercings in, wear what I want to work, and get paid to be rude and elitist to customers. Seems like fun to me.
Well, now that I think about it, this isn't anything like that, but I thought it was kinda rad when he was sporting that mohawk. And as much as I like Beckham's mohawk, I still hate soccer, and I love America for hating it with me. You go, America!
Oh, and on a more serious, and slightly less punk note, I think I might be getting a job at Hot Topic down here in Eugene. I know what you guys are thinking; you're all "Say it ain't so! You're selling out to the man! You used to be Sid Vicious' cabana boy, but now you're just gonna be a corporate tool!"
And to that I respond; "Yeah, me and Sid had some good times until the psycho bastard offed his bird. And I'm not selling out! I'm just bending over so the man can fuck me in the ass!"
And the upside to all this? I get to keep my piercings in, wear what I want to work, and get paid to be rude and elitist to customers. Seems like fun to me.
Hhmmm; you know; that sounds so familiar to me;.......oh yeah it's my job.