Today is the Official Offend All Your Friends Day!
So let's get the festivities started!
A) New Garage Music. I wanna know why any of you actually like this whole sudden invasion of garage rock that by the looks and sound of it would be more comfortable in 1978. Don't you guys realize that these people are the denim, long-hair, and cigarette version of Britney Spears?
Also, on a side note, can anyone tell these "The" bands apart anymore? I never could, but someone out there has to be able to right?
B) Emo. What the fuck? Like these guys are the only people who've ever had a relationship end? And then all these stupid ass women (and supposedly sensitive guys who just say they like the music and the clothes to fuck chicks who think they're deep) fall in love with the little wounded bird up on stage singing about how a girl left him because his penis was too small.
C) Women. Can some of you get some fucking taste in men? Shit! If I had a dollar for every girl I know who is dating a guy who is a complete fucking waste of flesh, I could retire. (Note: This specifically does not apply to either Moss or yumchen. Their men rock.)
D) Anti-War anything. Ok, so I think it's great that you guys have this whole agenda and you have views and all of that, but I'm getting the overwhelming feeling that you're just against the war (and/or anything the government does) just because it's "cool" or "punk" or whatever you think is the reason to do it.
E) New emotes. Ok great, they gave us a fucking pirate emote. Do we need to see it 400 times per thread?
F) Anime. No, I'm not gonna come out and say that it all sucks, but a good deal of it does. Sadly, it's become the sort of cult thing though, where even if it sucks, the hardcore Otaku of the world are still going to defend it to the stupid American gaijin who just don't get it. It's like being "punk" for the internet generation, and nobody else "gets you".
It's this kind of cultural pretension just for the sake of pretension that keeps these people from getting laid.
Alright, that's it. I've run out of stuff. I think I had something on polygamy too, but I seem to have forgotten it.
Quick! Someone be offended!
So let's get the festivities started!
A) New Garage Music. I wanna know why any of you actually like this whole sudden invasion of garage rock that by the looks and sound of it would be more comfortable in 1978. Don't you guys realize that these people are the denim, long-hair, and cigarette version of Britney Spears?
Also, on a side note, can anyone tell these "The" bands apart anymore? I never could, but someone out there has to be able to right?
B) Emo. What the fuck? Like these guys are the only people who've ever had a relationship end? And then all these stupid ass women (and supposedly sensitive guys who just say they like the music and the clothes to fuck chicks who think they're deep) fall in love with the little wounded bird up on stage singing about how a girl left him because his penis was too small.
C) Women. Can some of you get some fucking taste in men? Shit! If I had a dollar for every girl I know who is dating a guy who is a complete fucking waste of flesh, I could retire. (Note: This specifically does not apply to either Moss or yumchen. Their men rock.)
D) Anti-War anything. Ok, so I think it's great that you guys have this whole agenda and you have views and all of that, but I'm getting the overwhelming feeling that you're just against the war (and/or anything the government does) just because it's "cool" or "punk" or whatever you think is the reason to do it.
E) New emotes. Ok great, they gave us a fucking pirate emote. Do we need to see it 400 times per thread?
F) Anime. No, I'm not gonna come out and say that it all sucks, but a good deal of it does. Sadly, it's become the sort of cult thing though, where even if it sucks, the hardcore Otaku of the world are still going to defend it to the stupid American gaijin who just don't get it. It's like being "punk" for the internet generation, and nobody else "gets you".
It's this kind of cultural pretension just for the sake of pretension that keeps these people from getting laid.
Alright, that's it. I've run out of stuff. I think I had something on polygamy too, but I seem to have forgotten it.
Quick! Someone be offended!
B. not so much a fan
C. not seeing anyone because of lack of guys who aren't a "complete fucking waste of flesh"
D. i don't pay attention
E. I refuse to use any of them
F. don't care for most of it.