if ever there were a time to drink, now would be it.
a few days ago i was at pioneer square (a large, open plaza) in downtown portland, taking pictures of the plants that they had out for some market festival thing. i had just gotten my 28-105mm lens and was enjoying the fact that i could zoom on people unsuspected.
there was a woman...
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a few days ago i was at pioneer square (a large, open plaza) in downtown portland, taking pictures of the plants that they had out for some market festival thing. i had just gotten my 28-105mm lens and was enjoying the fact that i could zoom on people unsuspected.
there was a woman...
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if anyone has any sleep for sale, i would gladly buy it.
damn insomnia + cannot go and buy alcohol (stupid federal drinking age)
*cuts this journal short before i just whine all the way through it*
current reading:
the steppenwolf by herman hesse
the complete tales of "saki" by h.h. munro
the folk of the fringe by orson scott card
blind assassin by margaret...
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damn insomnia + cannot go and buy alcohol (stupid federal drinking age)
*cuts this journal short before i just whine all the way through it*
current reading:
the steppenwolf by herman hesse
the complete tales of "saki" by h.h. munro
the folk of the fringe by orson scott card
blind assassin by margaret...
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i am sleepy - you can have some sleep from me.
did you get it?
did you get it?
Last night I whiskeyed myself to sleep, and I would definately buy alcohol for you if I were in the neighborhood. try watching the Bob Ross painting show, that puts me out every time without fail.
going to be redesigning the living space this week. including the walls. who knows what sort of creation will spring from this iteration of "spring cleaning".
oh, and must do laundry and pay bills. *puts on journal to remember* bug me and make sure i have done them, wouldja?
aside from all that, nothing going on. spending evenings reading Huxley, Herbert, and/or Camus (i...
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going to be redesigning the living space this week. including the walls. who knows what sort of creation will spring from this iteration of "spring cleaning".
oh, and must do laundry and pay bills. *puts on journal to remember* bug me and make sure i have done them, wouldja?
aside from all that, nothing going on. spending evenings reading Huxley, Herbert, and/or Camus (i...
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The DVD is called Sad Clown Bad Dub 4.
sometimes you hurt your friends by telling them things they don't need to know. sometimes they are happy and for whatever reason you are the idiot that paains them most.
why o why can't life be easier? why is the pain i have seen reflected in her eyes before so alive in my chest? why can i not let her be happy on her own?
why o why can't life be easier? why is the pain i have seen reflected in her eyes before so alive in my chest? why can i not let her be happy on her own?

blown through a total of 8 rolls in 8 days. missed shooting anything today though because of staying up all night tuesday to wednesday.
it is really funny to imagine myself joined to a website that is so dually purposed. on the one hand there is the standard "damn, she is hot... yea, i would do her right here, right now,...
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Yay for The Roxy. They have the best greasy as hell diner food.

The peeps is the thing. 

instructions for getting nowhere with anyone:
_don't ask.
__don't tell.
___don't get past hello.
_____ad naseum.
ah well...
at least i blew through 2 rolls of film this weekend, capturing everything from skater punks humping trees to high school girls humping other trees (in imitation of skater punks) to coffee baristas who do not want their pictures taken (sorry) to coffee baristas that DO...
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_don't ask.
__don't tell.
___don't get past hello.
_____ad naseum.
ah well...
at least i blew through 2 rolls of film this weekend, capturing everything from skater punks humping trees to high school girls humping other trees (in imitation of skater punks) to coffee baristas who do not want their pictures taken (sorry) to coffee baristas that DO...
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I was there the other day playing with my Russian 120mm