- on newspectre's page
Well it's been a bit since I wrote a blog entry, so I reckon it's about time to get caught up on the week. this has been a crazy busy week following a crazy busy weekend.
Last weekend I worked a grand total of 32 hours between saturday and sunday. Saturday I had my first drill with the Maryland Air National Guard. Got settled into...
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Last weekend I worked a grand total of 32 hours between saturday and sunday. Saturday I had my first drill with the Maryland Air National Guard. Got settled into...
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I'll pound out another quick blog before I go to work.
Biggest event of the day is that my dish washer broke. I haven't used it since I moved into the apartment and today I fired it up for the first time. All it did was make weird sounds and get really hot. No water came out at all. I called my land lord and...
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Biggest event of the day is that my dish washer broke. I haven't used it since I moved into the apartment and today I fired it up for the first time. All it did was make weird sounds and get really hot. No water came out at all. I called my land lord and...
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That sounds like a concert I'd enjoy...
Have you considered joining the SG Conservatives group? I think you'd find it a better fit than the CE boards...
I skipped school today, probably not the best idea, but I don't reckon I missed too much.
I had a good reason though. All of my stuff finally came! In case you don't follow my life story, why would you, I just moved to sunny Baltimore from the magical island of England. I moved here the last week in August, my stuff finally caught up...
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I had a good reason though. All of my stuff finally came! In case you don't follow my life story, why would you, I just moved to sunny Baltimore from the magical island of England. I moved here the last week in August, my stuff finally caught up...
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nice digs you've got there. 

Nice apartment!
I'm back and better than ever.
I got out of the military in August and now I'm back to school in Baltimore as a full time student at the University of Baltimore. I've got a cool job working as a bartender at the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and I live in a great little apartment right in the heart of Mount Vernon, midtown Baltimore.
I really...
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I got out of the military in August and now I'm back to school in Baltimore as a full time student at the University of Baltimore. I've got a cool job working as a bartender at the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and I live in a great little apartment right in the heart of Mount Vernon, midtown Baltimore.
I really...
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Welcome back to SG!
I'll be throwing a private part in London at The Kingly Club on Saturday April 5th in celebration of my birthday.
If you're in London and wanna come out and meet me, just send me a message. I'd love to have you there, anybody from SG is welcome at my parties any time.
Even if you don't know me, this is just a good excuse...
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If you're in London and wanna come out and meet me, just send me a message. I'd love to have you there, anybody from SG is welcome at my parties any time.
Even if you don't know me, this is just a good excuse...
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I'm back in England. It's really great to be back in jolly ol' England. I love my home state of Texas, but right now I feel more like this is my home. After all, this where my friends are, this is where I live. When I'm in the states I'm just visiting really. I look forward to moving back, but I'll really miss this place...
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A 24hour on/24hour off schedule sounds like fun, in theory.
But really, it can be a bit of a pain in the ass.
Here I am, at 1030am, at home. All of my friends are at work, and there's really nothing to do except sit here on my computer or watch t.v. I do a lot of "time killing" stuff during my day off. Read...
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But really, it can be a bit of a pain in the ass.
Here I am, at 1030am, at home. All of my friends are at work, and there's really nothing to do except sit here on my computer or watch t.v. I do a lot of "time killing" stuff during my day off. Read...
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You know what, man? I really wish I had the time, right now, to have a talk with you. You say some really hurtful things, but I can help but to think that somewhere inside of you there is a person who is capable of civility and respect for your fellow human.
I hope one day I can find out that there is.
I hope one day I can find out that there is.
I've discovered a new addiction, and it's called Californication on Showtime.
Let me just do a quick rundown. It's got....
A suicidegirl, naked women, David Duchovny, all the LA Filth you could ask for, and it's overflowing with Gibson guitars!
I'm only to episode 6 and I've seen 2 Les Paul Standards and 3 Les Paul Studios.
On a related note, my new Les Paul...
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Let me just do a quick rundown. It's got....
A suicidegirl, naked women, David Duchovny, all the LA Filth you could ask for, and it's overflowing with Gibson guitars!
I'm only to episode 6 and I've seen 2 Les Paul Standards and 3 Les Paul Studios.
On a related note, my new Les Paul...
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I'm back from Romania!!!!
Got back on thursday. Feels good to be home in my own bed, with my t.v. and my kitchen. I missed cooking as much as anything.
so much to do though. I have to restock my fish tank. got rid of the fish and drained the tank before I left. So much work. Oh well. maybe this time the fish won't...
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Got back on thursday. Feels good to be home in my own bed, with my t.v. and my kitchen. I missed cooking as much as anything.
so much to do though. I have to restock my fish tank. got rid of the fish and drained the tank before I left. So much work. Oh well. maybe this time the fish won't...
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welcome back 

do you ever stay still! i have neer met anyone who takes as many trips!
Hi from Romania. It's hot and dry. Very hot, and very dry. I can understand why the Army is using this as their new european training center for predeployment.
That's what we're doing here anyways. This base is being set up to train troops en route to Iraq, our job is to build up the fire department. Living and working with the army BLOWS. They...
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That's what we're doing here anyways. This base is being set up to train troops en route to Iraq, our job is to build up the fire department. Living and working with the army BLOWS. They...
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First blog post in a while. In truth I haven't even logged on to SG in months. No real reason why, I just haven't. I need to make more friends around here that will keep me attached to the place. Anyways, I think I'll just jot down some things I've done since my last blog.
Climbed 2 mountains
Studied glacial till and cliff geology on...
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Climbed 2 mountains
Studied glacial till and cliff geology on...
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Eh, sadly I think we're out of the age of mere yahoos at this point. Watching all this reminds me all too much of the history of the Roman republic, right at its end...