I ended up taking an unplanned break from SG; The holidays were overwhelming this year & I had lots to do... and then I had to clean up the aftermath.
To make up for it I posted about twice as many photos to my latest album today. I want to start a new set soon.
Despite being busy I didn't, couldn't miss the Steam sale this year. (shows you what my priorities are :confused
This is what I bought - enough games for the whole year. What should I play first?
- Europa Universalis III
- Mass Effect 2 - I played through the first time as Paragon & never got around to playing Renegade like I planned. I'm not sure if I want to go back to the original for a Renegade or or play the sequel.
- Majesty 2 - I played the first one aaaages ago. That and Age of Empires II taught me that I love RTS.
- Portal
- Saint's Row 2
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
- Team Fortress 2
What I really wanted for Christmas was a tablet. But no one was making the one I wanted. I like the Kindle I have, but DRM is a pain & I want a beast of a tablet instead of a gimpy single task device. Asus answered my prayers a few days ago. I've already spent a pretty penny on a solid state drive for my netbook as a gift for myself. Maybe next year. I'm just happy to know that the tablet I wanted is out there.
I say Saints Row. It is pure stupid fun...
Hmmm great pic!