just sent out 3 bids today and i'm pretty sure on 2 of them and one of them i start tomorrow. I like working hard when i make good money. there will be many pictures of many things the next couple days. hope everyone is having a great day.
Can't wait to see the new work. I love the new Blyss set! Before I looked to see who the photos were by I all ready knew. You can tell by the chemistry between model and photographer in the shots. Very hot! I once heard Flea (the Bassist) say that in music you can hear when there is a profound relationship between musicians. This concept is congruent throughout all collaborated art. Have you seen the movie Frida yet? If not you should check it. I would like to find inspiration like this. See you Bro...
Yeah, I'm bummed about bman as well, but being involved in a lawsuit with my employer sort of puts a damper on such things. Next year, fo shizzle. I already have it on my calendar. Let's do another huge monolithic art project again, thems were good times.
Open a bar/gallery? What where? I'll be out of a job/home soon, so that might work out well.
Open a bar/gallery? What where? I'll be out of a job/home soon, so that might work out well.