I have a cousin in New Mexico I LOVE. I think that this fine group of people might be a great bunch to share some of his writing with. I think he is brilliant. I hope you agree. He and I are starting a book project this summer.
Student Ghetto Date
I was bent in 1/2 laughing
Laughing so hard I almost farted
in your tiny kitchen
that smelled like cheap cat food
and expensive text books
for a degree you'd get to bored to finish
Student Ghetto Date
I was bent in 1/2 laughing
Laughing so hard I almost farted
in your tiny kitchen
that smelled like cheap cat food
and expensive text books
for a degree you'd get to bored to finish
Thanks for adding me! 

hey hey! I'm staying as close to "from here to the equator" as possible for the next couple of months. I need to get up there in the spring though to finish a tattoo... I'll keep you informerated