ok i should be working but i came home for lovin... i mean my notebook with my measurements for my job
sheesh i am tired of driven'
And here is sum history of miss Blyss and I
sheesh i am tired of driven'

And here is sum history of miss Blyss and I
a) I have no clear recollection of being a bad man at the present time.
b) Bad? Nope, not me. I am a perfect angel. Can't you see my halo? Granted, it is the world's only chrome-studded black leather halo, but it is a halo nonetheless.
You two take care of each other and keep loving life.
i am very well, thanks! i am having a baby, (well, in december or january i am having a baby)and my boy and i just mved into a new bitchin' pad...life is good.
how are you and your lovely?