Roadrash. IMy left hip is covered in roadrash. I was longboarding down Golden Gate Ave, carving my way down to reduce speed. It was perfect. The moist fog on my face, gravity working for me - I felt like the master of time, space and dimension.
Then cyclist appears out of nowhere.I try to powerslide but fuck it up and go flying onto the concrete, where I leave a generous skin graft and sprain my elbow. Dont really care about the skin...lost plenty of that over the years...but the sprained elbow SUCKS. Ouchies.
Anybody else into the downhill longboard scene? After this accident, I think I'm gonna do more Freebording and less Longboarding. Freebords are simply more manueverable and more fun. And I can stop on a dime on my Freebord, but coleman slides on longboards are difficult for me.
Then cyclist appears out of nowhere.I try to powerslide but fuck it up and go flying onto the concrete, where I leave a generous skin graft and sprain my elbow. Dont really care about the skin...lost plenty of that over the years...but the sprained elbow SUCKS. Ouchies.
Anybody else into the downhill longboard scene? After this accident, I think I'm gonna do more Freebording and less Longboarding. Freebords are simply more manueverable and more fun. And I can stop on a dime on my Freebord, but coleman slides on longboards are difficult for me.
"I for one am NOT A PUSSY"
heehee faith-healer