I went to a medical marijuana club in SF the other day and met the AI scientist who made the AliceBot (http://alice.sunlitsurf.com/). His name is Richard Wallce, there was an article about him in the New York Times Sunday Mag a few months ago. He's one of those mad scientist types.
He stopped taking his meds and managed to get himself permanently booted off of all UC campus's. Sucks for him. He's pretty lucid when he's on his meds tho, I've never seen that other side of him. He was going to see that dragon movie 'cause he loveed dragons. Anyway, I guess pot makes him less twitchy and manic, in addition to whatever pills they give him. You meet all kinds of folks in these pot clubs, would be great source material for a fiction writer.
He stopped taking his meds and managed to get himself permanently booted off of all UC campus's. Sucks for him. He's pretty lucid when he's on his meds tho, I've never seen that other side of him. He was going to see that dragon movie 'cause he loveed dragons. Anyway, I guess pot makes him less twitchy and manic, in addition to whatever pills they give him. You meet all kinds of folks in these pot clubs, would be great source material for a fiction writer.